Friday, August 6, 2010

I am having trouble sleeping tonight, rather, this morning. I would be on facebook killing my time (facebook is a ruthless time-killer), but alas, I cannot. I banned myself from facebook as of yesterday afternoon, until I finish both papers for my online literature course. I got one paper done, and the other one is in progress. I was going to just think about the paper until I fell asleep, but since I could not fall asleep I got out my computer and wrote the introduction paragraph. After unsuccessfully trying to fall asleep again, I decided to read some William Wordsworth poetry to help me feel drowsy. I had a hard time understanding what his poems were about when I read them the first time, but at this late hour I found myself understanding and appreciating the poetry like I have never appreciated poetry before! When I still could not fall asleep after reading some Wordsworth, I thought, "Hmm, well, since I can't get on facebook and I don't have the brain power to finish this paper, I guess I'll write some random jibber jabber on my blog. It's been far too long.
And that is my story. I think I will pray a little while, then hopefully drift off to sleep.
Goodnight moon.