Monday, August 17, 2009

Loving a Stranger

How does one show the love of God to a complete stranger? To someone who doesn't have time to talk to you? For example, a cashier at Walmart. Is a friendly smile and a few kind words enough? Can something as simple as that communicate the love of God, without making it obvious that I am a follower of Christ? I need to be more intentional about spreading God's love, because it is my purpose on this earth! The world doesn't need a "religion" fed to them. They need to see Christians loving them, loving each other, and loving others.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I couldn't get the music to you in time tonight :-(

    Great reflection Felicia!

    Today I got to love one of my students by walking her from the far end of my building to the far end of the other building! Warsaw High is a big place!
